After six hours, we filled up a trailer full of food. While eating lunch in a little restaurant at the market, Jose told us that it was the first time in seven years that he's ever gotten donations from a certain two big-time sellers. Pretty cool.
The girls then went with Jose and Kevin to the bank to exchange our money for Guatemalan currency while the boys went back to Hope. The bank was inside a mall, and the mall was super cool. There were fountains that shot out colored water, and a waterfall that somehow got water to fall in the shape of different words. It was weird going from a neighborhood of people so poor, to a mall full of people so well off. The mall reminded me just how much it's the more blessed peoples jobs to lend a hand to the less fortunate. It was also a shocker to walk into a mall much nicer than the one at home.

After the mall, we went back to Hope to start handing out food to Zone 18 families. The boys had already unloading everything and sorted it while we were at the mall, so all we had left to go was hand it out. It was amazing to see how much these people depended on Hope, how much faith they had that they would receive enough food for the week.
After that, we all got into the trailer -- The one that recently had food in it, as the bus was still not working -- and headed back to the seminary to eat dinner with Parromos group.
Then, we went to bed. (Yay!!)
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