First, we dropped the boys off at Hope, then us girls went to the park to play with the kids for game day. I played with a little girl names Daniella, who was 4. She was so cute!!
Around 11:30, we loaded the buses full of kids, and went back to Hope. We serves the kids lunch, and then cleaned up. Then we reloaded the buses with the older kids and went back to the park. After an hour or so, we played soccer (FUTBOL!!) against some Guatemalan kids, which was a blast.
We then went back to the seminary to change out of our sweaty clothes, and revisited the mall. This time, we had pizza from El Macorone in the food court, and then went to watch The Amazing Spiderman at the movie theater in 3D (Side note: We were among the first Americans to see this movie. It came out in Guatemala before America.). The Hope staff was there: Ofelia, Helen, Aura, Falstove, Jose, and Harrison. The movie was in English, to our delight (With Spanish subtitles for our Guatemalan friends).
The bus had been fixed, but, unfortunately, when we left the mall to go back to the seminary, the bus door was locked, so it took about 30 minutes of standing in the cold (again, Guatemala here, cold and no rain, how weird is that??), before they could squeeze Harrison through one of the windows.
We arrived back at the seminary at 10pm. The Zone 46 Team had returned for the weekend from Zone 46. We got to hang out with them for few minutes before bed. It was great seeing them. I missed them all so much, especially Ryan and the McElhaneys. Tomorrow, we head out to Antigua for some shopping.
Thoughout the day, Matt Papa's song, Here I am, Send Me, has been going through my head, especially the chorus. It really reminded me why we're all here, and gave me a bit of encouragement.
"Lord, here I am, send me.
I'll follow wherever you lead. I will tell the world that Jesus is the way.
Won't you send me Lord? Here I am,
I offer my dreams, my plans.
I will give my life, a living sacrifice.
Lord, here I am."
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