Proverbs 18:24

Saturday, February 25, 2012

I was up late last night. I was lying in bed for over two hours, and I couldn't stop smiling over what had happened just a couple hours before. In my mind, I played several Owl City songs. I was full of joy.

Let's go back to five-thirty yesterday.

My mom just dropped me off at church so I could help set up for Girls Night. I started by taping down pink table-paper on about six tables. By the time I had gotten done, it was six o' clock. A few girls came in, and I switched to my 'stand-by and wait for a job' mode. Which is pretty much just standing around while humming a song or listening to people talk. I ran a few errands to the offices upstairs and did a few more things to help. Time passed quickly, and before I knew it, it was seven. More girls started pouring in, and pretty soon the room was full of life and noise. Really no one I knew was there so I grabbed my dinner--pizza-- and sat down by myself. I won't bore you with every single detail, so I'll just fast forward to around 10:30.

We had gotten back from our picture scavenger hunt, and we were finishing up crafts. The movie Tangled had finished playing, and the winners of the scavenger hunt were announced. Everyone started leaving and pretty soon, it was just me and most of the student ministry team. I wasn't sure whether or not my dad would come pick me up or not, and one of the student ministry team members, Ms. Jessica, offered to take me home because we live so close to each other. So I left with her.

Let me take a minute to say something about Ms. Jessica. She's one of my biggest heroes, and I really don't really have that many, either. Probably my favorite thing about her is that she is always willing to do whatever it takes. I can't express enough how much she means to me. She understands me and takes time for me. She been a great deal of encouragement in my short and so far not very impressive life.

I've found that I'd much rather spend time with one person at a time then hang out with a group of people. That being said, the twenty minutes car ride with Ms. Jessica was great, as I got to spend time with just me and her. :)

For whatever reason, spending time with her is why I felt the way I did last night. I honestly couldn't explain it. Maybe it's because I prefer one-on-one time over hanging out with a big group.

I suppose I should close on this note: People don't really understand how homeschoolers like me make friends or have any social life at all. Being homeschooled, I was taught at an early age how to communicate politely with adults. Most of the people I interact with are over eighteen, my brother is one of two of my best friends (my other best friend being the greatest best friend in the whole world), and I can count my close friends on one hand. Knowing all this, I can easily say that I'm perfectly okay with it. I've never been one to spill my heart to a thousand and one people, but I share a strong bond with the friends I do have.

A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
~Proverbs 18:24.


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